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Horses and classes and homework, oh my!

Hi! I’m Nicole Nunez and I’m a sophomore at FSU. I’m studying Management Information Systems and I’m one of the FSU Eventing Team members. I’m going to go straight to the point: riding and college is hard to do. Specially if you are involved in other things within campus. I’m involved in greek life, the honors college and the club for my major. However, it is possible, and all of us do it! I wanted to experience being a normal college student but at the same time I wanted to represent my university in the sport that I love. And I have been able to do it so far. Last year, I was able to ride one of the lesson horses, his name was Spartan. It was nice to have this opportunity, as I didn’t have the responsibility to have to come ride if I was really busy with school and adapting to college. However, I took lessons as much as I could, I still wanted to be a competitive member of the team. I was able to still go to shows and compete at the Intercollegiate Championships in Georgia! After the season was over, I realized I could put more on myself. I decided to lease a horse. His name is Eddie and he is the funniest horse ever! I knew this decision included a lot more responsibility than last year, but I knew that I would be able to do it. Instead of coming once a week, like I used to do last year, now I try to come at least three times a week. However, that involves a lot of planning. In that schedule classes, reviews, homework, sorority events and community service had to be included. Sometimes is hard to fit everything in but if you really want to do certain things, you will make time for it. Having a lot of responsibilities make you be more efficient with your time as well as value every small moment you are able to spend at these. I value the time at the barn now more than I ever did. However, it is really important to leave time to relax and have fun! That’s also part of college. To finish off, here are some tips on how to handle a busy schedule:

- Write your schedule for the week, or even for the month! – Write everything that you have. From assignments due and events, to riding lessons and relax time!

- Prepare meals for the week on the weekends – Making food takes valuable time! It’s better to have it ready beforehand.

- Be efficient with your time and try to focus as much as you can – That way you can finish faster and go to the barn for longer:)

- Do not procrastinate! This is a hard one but it’s doable. Netflix can wait for the weekend!

- Have a support system with you – Don’t forget to keep in touch with friends and family, no matter how busy you are! They are the ones that will be there in the tough times.

This is all for now! I hope this helps!

Nicole Nunez

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